上次所介紹的,「遠走高飛」所寄寓的是 Daughtry 想巡迴演唱,圓他的音樂之夢,不斷的追求他的夢想,願總有一天能讓大家的心中,能佔有他的一段福音,腦中餘盪著他的歌聲。

Break The Spell Deluxe (破除魔咒)
◎ 當今Post Grunge搖滾樂團三度出輯,全球超過1300萬銷量,2011年全新矚目大碟
◎ 力邀葛萊美獎入圍肯定搖滾界名師 Howard Benson (我的另類羅曼史、蟑螂老爹) 合作,三度操盤監製
◎ 收錄抒情搖滾主打〈Crawling Back To You〉,勇奪告示牌Top41當周銷售最佳新曲,豪華版特收4首全新單曲
受到90年代Post Grunge洗禮的道奇樂團Daughtry,在主唱Chris Daughtry經歷激烈的American Idol選秀比賽走紅後,隨即展開首位以樂團闖蕩歌壇的參賽者,也成為賽事中首位稱霸告示牌流行、搖滾榜冠軍雙榜的選手。在全球締造超過1300萬張銷量,並入圍葛萊美「最佳搖滾團體/二重唱」肯定,囊括5座全美音樂、6座Billboard與2座世界音樂等榮耀加冕。
有型主唱Chris Daughtry,找來鼓手Joey Barnes、雙吉他手Jeremy Brady與Josh Steely、曾任硬蕊龐克/金屬團Suicidal Tendencies的貝斯手Josh Paul等音樂同好共組Daughtry。2007年首張同名專輯《Daughtry》,發燒熱賣長達兩年,狂掃排行各榜7首Top30暢銷曲,拿下快紅搖滾樂團寶座。雖遭逢Jeremy和Joey相繼離團,但馬上換來Brian Craddock、Robin Diaz接替節奏吉他手、鼓手,並發行第二張專輯《遠走高飛》,並拿下美國告示牌專輯榜冠軍、英國榜Top5,百萬銷售輕鬆入袋。
2011年全新矚目大碟《Break The Spell》超值豪華版,力邀葛萊美獎入圍肯定搖滾界名師 Howard Benson (我的另類羅曼史、蟑螂老爹)合作,三度操盤監製。猛重吉他毫不留情飆奏,厚實鼓擊不斷敲打,讓開場的〈Renegade〉突出又震撼,搖滾本色清晰可見,入選「WWE TLC: Tables, Ladders and Chairs」摔角秀重點襯樂;拿出擅長的抒情搖滾主打〈Crawling Back To You〉,動聽音場勇奪告示牌Top41當周銷售最佳新曲;交錯Acoustic的〈Start Of Something Good〉、〈We're Not Gonna Fall〉和〈Gone Too Soon〉都是攻榜的潛力優作,不失勁道的搖滾力度,絕對能滿足追求狂放旋律和搖滾重量的樂迷;扣人心弦的〈Rescue Me〉,Chris以難得的假音穿繞;直衝腦門的〈Louder Than Ever〉現形,野性瞬間爆發!豪華版特收4首全新單曲,滿載Daughtry自信滿滿的堅強實力!
◎ 力邀葛萊美獎入圍肯定搖滾界名師 Howard Benson (我的另類羅曼史、蟑螂老爹) 合作,三度操盤監製
◎ 收錄抒情搖滾主打〈Crawling Back To You〉,勇奪告示牌Top41當周銷售最佳新曲,豪華版特收4首全新單曲
受到90年代Post Grunge洗禮的道奇樂團Daughtry,在主唱Chris Daughtry經歷激烈的American Idol選秀比賽走紅後,隨即展開首位以樂團闖蕩歌壇的參賽者,也成為賽事中首位稱霸告示牌流行、搖滾榜冠軍雙榜的選手。在全球締造超過1300萬張銷量,並入圍葛萊美「最佳搖滾團體/二重唱」肯定,囊括5座全美音樂、6座Billboard與2座世界音樂等榮耀加冕。
有型主唱Chris Daughtry,找來鼓手Joey Barnes、雙吉他手Jeremy Brady與Josh Steely、曾任硬蕊龐克/金屬團Suicidal Tendencies的貝斯手Josh Paul等音樂同好共組Daughtry。2007年首張同名專輯《Daughtry》,發燒熱賣長達兩年,狂掃排行各榜7首Top30暢銷曲,拿下快紅搖滾樂團寶座。雖遭逢Jeremy和Joey相繼離團,但馬上換來Brian Craddock、Robin Diaz接替節奏吉他手、鼓手,並發行第二張專輯《遠走高飛》,並拿下美國告示牌專輯榜冠軍、英國榜Top5,百萬銷售輕鬆入袋。
2011年全新矚目大碟《Break The Spell》超值豪華版,力邀葛萊美獎入圍肯定搖滾界名師 Howard Benson (我的另類羅曼史、蟑螂老爹)合作,三度操盤監製。猛重吉他毫不留情飆奏,厚實鼓擊不斷敲打,讓開場的〈Renegade〉突出又震撼,搖滾本色清晰可見,入選「WWE TLC: Tables, Ladders and Chairs」摔角秀重點襯樂;拿出擅長的抒情搖滾主打〈Crawling Back To You〉,動聽音場勇奪告示牌Top41當周銷售最佳新曲;交錯Acoustic的〈Start Of Something Good〉、〈We're Not Gonna Fall〉和〈Gone Too Soon〉都是攻榜的潛力優作,不失勁道的搖滾力度,絕對能滿足追求狂放旋律和搖滾重量的樂迷;扣人心弦的〈Rescue Me〉,Chris以難得的假音穿繞;直衝腦門的〈Louder Than Ever〉現形,野性瞬間爆發!豪華版特收4首全新單曲,滿載Daughtry自信滿滿的堅強實力!
而這文章的篇名 之所以叫做「旅途的開端」 就是要介紹這專輯裡頭 非常好聽的
Daughtry - Start of Something Good
You never know when you're gonna meet someone
And your whole wide world in a moment comes undone
You're just walking around then suddenly
Everything that you thought that you knew about love is gone
You find out it's all been wrong
All my scars don't seem to matter anymore
Cause they led me here to you
I know it's gonna take some time
But I've got to admit that the thought has crossed my mind
This might end up like it should
I'm gonna say what I need to say
And hope to God that it don't scare you away
Don't wanna be misunderstood
But I'm starting to believe that
This could be the start of something good
Everyone knows life has its ups and downs
One day you're on top of world and one day you're the clown
Well I've been both enough to know
That you don't wanna get in the way when it's working out
The way that it is right now
You see my heart I wear it on my sleeve
Cause I just can't hide it anymore
I know it's gonna take some time
But I've got to admit that the thought has crossed my mind
This might end up like it should
I'm gonna say what i need to say
And hope to God that it don't scare you away
Don't wanna be misunderstood
But I'm starting to believe that
This could be the start
Cause I don't know where it's goin'
There's a part of me that loves not knowin'
Just don't let it end before we begin
You never know when you're gonna meet someone
And your whole wide world in a moment comes undone
I know it's gonna take some time
But I've got to admit that the thought has crossed my mind
This might end up like it should
I'm gonna say what i need to say
And hope to God that it don't scare you away
Don't wanna be misunderstood
But I'm starting to believe that
This could be the start of something good
And your whole wide world in a moment comes undone
You're just walking around then suddenly
Everything that you thought that you knew about love is gone
You find out it's all been wrong
All my scars don't seem to matter anymore
Cause they led me here to you
I know it's gonna take some time
But I've got to admit that the thought has crossed my mind
This might end up like it should
I'm gonna say what I need to say
And hope to God that it don't scare you away
Don't wanna be misunderstood
But I'm starting to believe that
This could be the start of something good
Everyone knows life has its ups and downs
One day you're on top of world and one day you're the clown
Well I've been both enough to know
That you don't wanna get in the way when it's working out
The way that it is right now
You see my heart I wear it on my sleeve
Cause I just can't hide it anymore
I know it's gonna take some time
But I've got to admit that the thought has crossed my mind
This might end up like it should
I'm gonna say what i need to say
And hope to God that it don't scare you away
Don't wanna be misunderstood
But I'm starting to believe that
This could be the start
Cause I don't know where it's goin'
There's a part of me that loves not knowin'
Just don't let it end before we begin
You never know when you're gonna meet someone
And your whole wide world in a moment comes undone
I know it's gonna take some time
But I've got to admit that the thought has crossed my mind
This might end up like it should
I'm gonna say what i need to say
And hope to God that it don't scare you away
Don't wanna be misunderstood
But I'm starting to believe that
This could be the start of something good
是的! Daughtry 的音樂 正是它昂飛高空的時刻,想必你們一定都感受到他的執著了